In this blog post, you will learn about the source of your current drainage problem and how to fix it. You will also learn about the three most common drainage problems that may be occurring in your home and how to fix them. You will be given solutions for keeping the problem from returning to avoid having a more significant issue down the road.
In almost every home out there, some drainage problems are happening underneath or around your home’s foundation and Padman Water Solutions will help. This can cause various issues, from not being able to get the moisture out of your basement, molding problems (which may lead to health complications) as well as damage done by insects or rodents infiltrating groundwater.
The most significant cause of a home’s problem with drainage is the amount of water that naturally occurs in the area. A home’s foundation should be built on at least three feet of compacted decomposed granite, a material with a meager percolation rate. Low percolation rates are significant because they allow water to drain out the soil around a building instead of sitting stagnant and soaking into your home’s foundation. The problem is that many homes are built on top of fill dirt or other types of soil that have a high percolation rate, causing moisture from rain and runoff to go through and saturate your basement walls and floors slowly.
The solution to drainage problems that originate with your foundation is pretty straightforward, though putting it into practice may be more difficult. There are a few critical steps that you need to take to fix your drainage issue:
Find the source of your water problem by learning how much water enters your home and where it comes from. This information can be gathered by having an inspector come and look at where your water is coming in and how much flows through your home’s foundation. It will also give you an idea of how a full-house inspection process works to know what work will be performed on your home.
Find out whether there are any structural issues with the area surrounding the piping or drainage system. Since most problems are caused by one of these two issues, having someone who knows what to look for can save you a bundle in the long run. Next, analyze your soil to see what it is made up of and the percolation rate. It is likely that with many years of construction and weathering, the soil around your home has developed a high percolation rate, which will cause moisture to seep into your home’s foundation. You will want to correct this problem as soon as possible because it may lead to more significant issues, such as molding or rodent problems. Lastly, find an adequate solution to fixing your drainage issue.
In conclusion, treat your drainage problem as soon as possible to avoid a more significant issue in the future. By having an extensive inspection of your home and surrounding soil, then determining what type of drainage solution is necessary, you can feel comfortable knowing that you have taken all the necessary steps to fix your home’s problem.