The Corona crisis redefined the power relationship between restaurants and delivery services. Due to the closure of the catering trade, the demand and popularity of food delivery services grew rapidly. It’s easy, convenient, and quick.What the customer does not see immediately, however, is the fact that there are no real restaurants behind some delivery locations. Few popular providers only exist online – but in some cases with a considerable organizational and IT infrastructure in the background.
The concept that the customer no longer visits the restaurant, but delivery men deliver the food ordered online from the pubs to the customer’s home, is not fundamentally new – every reasonably organized pub, especially in urban areas, offers this service. In dark kitchen, however, food is only prepared for delivery.
This strategy is about building new conditions for a ghost kitchen from scratch. This business model includes the procurement of real estate, the creation of a menu and the creation of a corresponding IT infrastructure. This model is suitable for existing large brands.
This real estate model undoubtedly offers the best profitability. Advantages are less floor space and that assets can be written off. However, with this all-in variant, you should be firmly convinced that your business model works. It is by far the longest-term capital expenditure model.
In this model, the infrastructure kitchenof existing restaurants is used to produce certain dishes according to well-defined quality features and processes – also in parallel with your own kitchen. These are sold through the brand placed online.
This model is designed to connect existing and often unusedkitchen capacities with virtual brands. The difficulty here is that the existing model has to be adapted from scratch. If you want to convert a traditional kitchen into a dark kitchen hong kong, a few things have to be considered in advance. A lot of space and material restaurant tables, cutlery, bar, simply no longer needed.
At first glance, this model may sound similar to the business model just described – but it is actually fundamentally different. In addition, you get an adapted menu and the respective ingredients as well as training in the operational ghost kitchen business. In addition, the entire virtual branding is taken over for fee. It is the fastest and cheapest way to build a virtual brand.This model is currently the most popular and widely used for ghost kitchens. Existing external kitchens are used to prepare the delivery meals.