You may not realize it, but making a purchase decision in-store takes us about 5-7 seconds. On a typical shopping trip, you’ll be confronted with over 40,000 different products, all fighting for your attention. That’s a lot of information to convey.
Brands utilize eye-catching colors, a variety of convenience features, and incentive triggers to help their products stand out on the shelf. Multiple teams of designers, buyers, technologists, and quality managers may work for months to bring a single product to market. Why? They can tell the difference between a sale and no sale because they comprehend packaging.
- Almost a third of product decisions are made solely on the basis of packaging.
- It is critical not only to attract the attention of the consumer but also to produce effective and protective packaging that performs its purpose. According to research, 45 percent of consumers are using social media to air their grievances. If your packaging fails to deliver, expect an online backlash that could harm your brand’s image in the long run.
- Not only can good packaging influence consumer sentiment, but effective packaging can also save money. In the affluent world, product damage in transit is less than 5%, while in the developing world, it can be as high as 30%.
- Packaging, according to studies, influences purchasing more than other kinds of marketing such as television, radio, and online reviews.
- Because of the packaging, 66% of consumers indicated they tried a new product.
- 52% of internet buyers say they would buy from a company again if it offered quality packaging.
- When companies pay close attention to their packaging, they have seen a 30 percent boost in consumer interest.
- Because 90% of product packaging is reused, your brand’s reach goes well beyond the first purchase.
- 74% of 18-25-year-olds would post a picture of product packaging on social media. This has the potential to influence peers and improve brand awareness among millennials.
With the help of various packaging companies, many of the top branded items employ a type of packaging known as innovative packaging design for their brands. There are several packaging companies today that provide outstanding packaging services at reasonable pricing. Packaging an energy drink in the shape of a dumbbell is a great example of creative product packaging. It is critical that you understand the characteristics of a successful and effective design in order to produce a product package design that will distinguish your company from its competition.
The product’s graphical packaging design should match the structural packing. If this does not occur, potential customers will lose interest in your products. You can employ any packaging company to work on your brand’s graphics packaging. It will guarantee that audiences will take your brand home with them.