Marijuana has many acronyms throughout different regions in the world. Some people refer to it as weed, pot, or hemp. The actual name of the herb is Cannabis. The herb is a flowering plant that is indigenous to Asia. Though its origin is in Asia, the herb is known for its recreational use worldwide. Cannabis is popularly known for inducing the psychotic after-effects of ingestion. The after-effects are popularly known as the high of Cannabis or stoned in some regions. These psychoactive effects result from the interaction of an active component of the herb with the nerve receptors of the brain. Over the centuries, there has been an evolution in the ingestion of this herb. Some popular methods are joints, bong, and the latest vaporizers.
The cannabis herb and its effects have always been an exciting topic of discussion among people. Research and studies over the past years have revealed a lot about the herb, and there is yet a lot more to discover. There are four active components in the cannabis herb, namely D9-THC, D8-THC, CBD, and Cannabinol. The main element responsible for the psychoactive effects is THC. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. The THC binds to the cannabinoid receptors upon ingestion, resulting in psychoactive effects on the brain.
Ingestion Methods Of Cannabis
The methods of ingestion of Cannabis are diverse. This is due to the widespread use of the herb all over the globe throughout history. Some conventional techniques include ingestion through smoke by rolling joints or smoking up bongs. Other traditional services include weed cookies and edible stuff made from cannabis extracts. More advanced and recent methods of ingestion include vaping.
What Is Vaping
Vaping marijuana or Cannabis involves inhaling the concentrated vapours of a typically heated oil. The oil contains cannabis extract that is high in THC composition. The advanced pieces of technology that have allowed the adaptation to electric methods for the consumption of marijuana are vaporizers. This is a device used to heat marijuana in different forms and will enable the consumption of the herb in vapour form.
Benefits Of Vaping
There are certain benefits of opting for the vaping method of ingestion of marijuana. Some common uses are below:
- Low Smell: Very little to no residual smoke is an essential benefit of the vaping mechanism.
- Convenient- The devices are easy to use for maximum convenience during the consumption process. This leads to the benefits of increased comfort in opting for this method.